Dead on Arrival
“Death to Videodrome, long live the new flesh”
-Max Renn
The original idea for the-videodrome was to review things as a way to understand Videodrome better. I planned to take themes in movies and compare them to themes in Videodrome, thus making the site a massive review of Videodrome. Unfortunately as time went on I had less things to say about Videodrome, and after rewatching it my understanding shifted. I still really enjoy it, but my enthusiasm has waned. Initially I thought people seeing my site while searching for Videodrome would be great, but as I came up with review ideas I started to notice a pattern of deviancy that I feared would harm Videodrome. It’s kind of an arrogant thought, but if this site does ever take off I don’t want it to hurt how people feel towards something I cherish. I’m sure Max wouldn’t object to the type of content I want to post, but I don’t want to be the guy who ruined Videodrome. I also had a hard time thinking of what to post because I was scared it wouldn’t meet the standards to warrant being associated with Videodrome. Not only did I have my own standards, but I was forced to judge it as something that would be associated with Videodrome. the-videodrome was also a contaminated name. I wanted the site to be seperated from my real life, as proof that I could acomplish something without external influence but I sent the url to friends potentially ruining that wall.
So for these reasons I had to cut the name loose.I really like the way Videodrome sounds, and the mental image it provides. An arena of video. Almost giving the impression of being trapped in video. I started thinking of another name and I remembered this idea I had for an art assignment where it would be me inside of a fort made out of various pieces of media. So I built off of that and came to Cathode Castle. I like it because there’s a touch of retro, and it gives the impression of being surrounded by screens, which is cool. Alliteration is fun too.
Anyways, hopefully with this new change I will have less reservations about posting, and maybe I’ll finally post things. I have ideas, just need to force myself into it. Going to shoot for a post a week, but who knows.